How do I download the Electric Miles app?
How do I use Plug & Charge mode on my charger?
New EV Smart Charging Regulations (01/07/2022)
How do I add a charger?
How do I set up network connection?
How do I configure Load Management settings?
How to Boost/immediate charge?
How to do manual schedule?
What are the different options to charge my EV using Electric Miles?
How to get charger into pairing mode?
What do the lights on the charger mean?
Wi-Fi & Hotspot Troubleshooting
What is Manual Scheduled Charging?
How do I set up a manual scheduled charge?
Why can't I schedule a Manual Charging Session?
How do I bring my charger back online on the Electric Miles app?
How do I get my charger into pairing mode?
Randomised Delay
How do I enable smart charging?
How does smart off-peak work?
How does Electric Miles know my smart charging information?
I have an RFID-compatible charger, can I use it with the Electric Miles app?
How can I pair my RFID card?
How can I delete an RFID card from my account?
Unable to locate Octopus Energy as an Energy Supplier?
Which Energy Providers does Electric Miles accommodate?
What tariffs does Electric Miles support?
Which Electric Vehicles does Electric Miles Support?
Unable to find my Car Make/Model in the dropdown List?
How many EVs can be added to one account?